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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in
Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

The Youth Entrepreneurs Club is a meeting point for all the young people who are interested in developing an entrepreneurial project.
With this club, we want to support the future young entrepreneurs by giving them useful information. But, also, the club will work as a link between them. In the club, the future young entrepreneurs have the possibility to meet partners from different countries, talk about ideas and opportunities and share experiences or problems. 
The young participants in the project will present this web club to the region based delegates of the four cooperating countries, and to the deputies of the European Parliament (Strasburg) in the course of their visit there.
This club is expected to be established as a forum and a nexus linking the future young European entrepreneurs with the politicians, entrepreneurs and experts all around Europe.

This club was created in 2012 during the implementation of   "Youth for Democracy" project, in the framework of action 1.3 of Youth in Action program.
This project was carried by Solidarity tracks organization, in cooperation with seven partner organizations from France, Greece, Italy & Romania, organized four, 4-days meetings, in four European countries. In every meeting we involved a group of sixteen young entrepreneurs and other youngsters who have entrepreneurship ideas coming from these four countries, in total 64 young people in four meetings, (including young people with visual problems, deaf and young people  with fewer opportunities)
During the meetings the young people exchanged knowledge and experiences , they discovered new realities, new policies and initiatives in local level as well as the European policy for the youth entrepreneurship.
During the meetings, the youth designed and created this virtual club of “young European future entrepreneurs”, which will allow the education and awareness on entrepreneurship and will contribute to the emergence of a common business culture focused on European youth.

To join, simply make the request by completing a membership form to return to the address below: pistes_solidaires@yahoo.grThe club has developed a youth support program in partnership with academic institutions and more broadly Vincennes for students and Vincennois students of all levels to strengthen the links between young people and businesses by promoting better mutual understanding.



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